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Lieberson S. Jews, Blacks, and a Piece of the Pie: A Memoir. In: II JSH A History of Race Relations Research: First Generation Recollections. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications ; 1993. pp. 143-58.
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Lieberson S, Waters MC. Ethnic Differences in Education: Current Patterns and Historical Roots. In: Yogev A International Perspectives on Education and Society, Vol. 2. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press ; 1992. pp. 171-187.
Lieberson S. Socioeconomic Attainment. In: Horowitz DL, Noiriel G Immigrants in Two Democracies: French & American Experience. New York: New York University Press ; 1992. pp. 301-30.
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Lieberson S. The Enumeration of Ethnic and Racial Groups in the Census: Some Devilish Principles. 1992. Publisher's Version
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Lieberson S, Waters MC. The Rise of a New Ethnic Group: The ‘Unhyphenated American’. Social Science Research Council Items. 1989;43 :7-10.
Lieberson S. Asking Too Much, Expecting Too Little. Sociological Perspectives. 1988;31 :379-97.
Lieberson S, Waters MC. From Many Strands: Ethnic and Racial Groups in Contemporary America. New York: Russell Sage Foundation; 1988.
