Using Technology for Good in the Latin Classroom

Presentation Date: 

Sunday, June 28, 2015


American Classical League Summer Institute (Storrs, CN)
Abstract: Engage students in creating rich digital projects that enable peer learning and showcase their linguistic and cultural knowledge in dynamic ways that go beyond simple PowerPoint. Project-based, technology-enhanced learning can not only increase student excitement and engagement, but also turn electronic devices from unwelcome distractions into powerful learning tools. This workshop will show examples of projects that students (individually or collaboratively) can make on their computers and mobile devices, such as interactive fiction ("choose your own adventure"), multimedia annotation of images, digital comics, puzzles, and stop-motion animation. The examples will emphasize use of the Latin language (the communicative standard) while incorporating cultural material. Participants will be able to try prepared sample activities and even begin authoring their own, with guidance from the presenter. No knowledge of coding is required.