Edited volume "From actors to reforms in European Higher Education. A Festschrift for Pavel Zgaga" submitted to Higher Education Dynamics series (Springer Nature)

June 29, 2021
From actors to reforms in European higher education Festschrift for Pavel Zgaga


Edited by Manja Klemenčič



This Festschrift is dedicated to celebrating the intellectual contribution of Professor Pavel Zgaga whose work has helped advance our understanding of education reforms in his native Slovenia, in the South-East Europe, and within the Bologna Process leading towards the establishment of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Inspired by and in conversation with Pavel Zgaga’s scholarship, teaching and service, contributions in this volume explore the questions of actors and reforms in European higher education and their connections to higher education reforms beyond Europe. The contributions are attuned to the contemporary higher education developments, including the effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic during which these contributions have been written. The contributors have a highly diverse background and include both early-career and well-established scholars and practitioners, and they come from different European regions, including Slovenia and its neighbourhoods, and beyond Europe.


Pavel Zgaga is the father of higher education studies in Slovenia. He has been Slovenia’s strongest advocate for the pursuit of academic research into higher education for the advancement of original knowledge and for the development of higher education studies as a research field. Pavel is Slovenia’s most prolific, most cited, and most respected researcher into higher education. Pavel Zgaga has also been the most important advocate for the field to be included in the study programme offer at the Faculty of Education at University of Ljubljana. Pavel has also advocated for rigorous data collection on higher education and the development of sound data collection systems both at the system and institutional levels. He consistently argued that sound data collection systems are a prerequisite for sound policymaking. Pavel’s scholarship and advocacy has made him an eminent figure in higher education circles in Slovenia, neighbouring countries, and the world.

  Table of Contents


Manja Klemenčič: From actors to reforms in European higher education: Introduction to the Festschrift for Pavel Zgaga


Slavko Gaber: Pavel Zgaga - actor in reforms of higher education




Liviu Matei: The silent treks of transformative thinkers and successful reformers in higher education: a European experience


Robert Wagenaar: The Myth of Power: Governing Reform in the Bologna Process of Higher Education


Susan L. Robertson, Kris Olds, and Roger Dale: From the EHEA to the EEA: renewed state-making ambitions in the regional governance of education in Europe


Anne Corbett: Pavel Zgaga and Bologna actors: policymaking on the External Dimension and the Bologna Policy Forum, 2003-2009


Elsa Hackl: Cooperation in Higher Education Before and Beside the European Higher Education Area: Slovenia and Austria


Aleksa Bjeliš: Higher Education in two countries from ex-Yugoslav Federation: thirty years of constitutional embracement




Meng-Hsuan Chou: Actors and Actorhood in Higher Education Regionalisms


Janja Komljenovic: Agents of global competition in the international student market


Sintayehu Kassaye Alemu: The Diffusion of Higher Education Reforms from the Global North. The case of Sub-Saharan Africa


Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić: Reforms in Quality Assurance: A Response to Recent Challenges in a Transforming Higher Education Sector


Barbara M. Kehm: Higher Education in Europe in the Context of Global Developments




Peter Scott: Unpacking the Social Dimension of Universities


Zdenko Kodelja: Tuition fees and university reforms


Åse Gornitzka and Peter Maassen: The democratic role and public responsibility of higher education and science


Sjur Bergan: Education for democracy: balancing intellectual rigor and political action




Hannele Niemi: Teacher education as part of higher education: The mission and challenges


Vasileios Symeonidis & Michael Schratz: The transformative potential of doctoral networks in teacher education: A European perspective


Ian Jamieson, Rajani Naidoo and Jurgen Ender: Academics, Neo-Liberalism and English Higher Education: Decline and Fall


Marek Kwiek: Global Vertical Stratification of Institutions and the Academic Profession: The Role of Research in Future High Participation Environments


Alenka Flander, Sebastian Kočar, Sebastian, Bojana Ćulum Ilić, Liudvika Leišytė, Sude Pekşen, and Nena Rončević: Impact of internationalisation strategies on academics' international research activities. Case study of the three HE peripheries: Slovenia, Croatia and Lithuania


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