Shi'ism, Resistance, and Revolution


Kramer, Martin. Shi'ism, Resistance, and Revolution. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1987.
Shi'ism, Resistance, and Revolution


Shi'i movements have developed highly original strategies of political action. These methods have had their greatest success in Iran but have inspired other Shi'is, in both the Arab world and South Asia. The aim of this book is twoford: to assess the present situation of mainstream (Twelver) Shi'ism in each part of this world and to measure the effect of Iran's Revolution throughout it. Proceedings of a conference held at Tel Aviv University in December 1984. 


The book appeared in an unauthorized Persian translation under the title تشیع، مقاومت و انقلاب in 1989-90. This is the source of the Persian translation of the editor's introduction.

Last updated on 12/12/2018