
Dr. Catillon specializes in combining quantitative methods and data science to study the value of drugs and health care interventions and to contribute to technology, program, and policy evaluation. Her research supported by the National Institutes of Health, employed automation and text-mining to build a novel database combining assessment of methods, experimental results, bibliometric information, and publication outcomes for over 20,000 randomized controlled trials (RCTs). In 2019, in BMJ Open, she showed that the proportion of RCTs using inadequate methods is high and increasing. The first month after publication, this article was downloaded 1,235 times. In other work, published in Health Economics in 2019, she evaluated a diabetes disease management program finding that managers and policy-makers might improve cost effectiveness by leveraging information from missing data in electronic medical records. She has received research awards from the American Public Health Association (APHA), the Charles de Gaulle Foundation (France), the Hospital Applied Research Group (GRAPH, France), and the Institute of Latin American Studies (IHEAL, France). She has been invited to write columns in the Vox Centre for Economic Policy Research Policy Portal and in “Gestions Hospitalières” (Hospital Management, France). Her work has been cited by Modern Healthcare and the economic blog Marginal Revolution.

Working Paper: Incentives for Bad Science: How Inadequate Methods Affect Experimental Results and Publication Outcomes of Randomized Controlled Trials

Awards, Fellowships & Grants

NBER-IFS Value of Medical Research Pre-Doctoral Fellowship (2017-present)

Harvard University Graduate Fellowship (2014-present)

Harvard Arthur Sachs Scholarship (2014-present)

Harvard Club of France Award (2014)

Hospital Research Award (Groupe Recherche et Applications Hospitalieres, France) (2014)

APHA Retirement Research Foundation Masters Student Research Award (2013)

Charles de Gaulle Foundation, Public Policy Research Award and Grant (2008)

Luis Castro Leiva Research Award, Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amerique Latine & Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur les Ameriques (IHEAL - CREDAL) (Venezuela) (2007)