Leibniz sur l’harmonie préétablie et la causalité


McDonough, Jeffrey K. “Leibniz sur l’harmonie préétablie et la causalité.” In Lire Leibniz, edited by Christian Leduc, Mogens Laerke, and David Rabouin. Paris: Vrin, 2017.
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This chapter offers and overview and interpretation of Leibniz’s theories of pre-established harmony and causation. It is divided into three sections. The first section explicates Leibniz’s theory of pre-established harmony, relates it to opposing theories, and show how it sets up Leibniz’s suggestion that there are two realms, one of bodies and efficient causation, one of minds and final causation. Section 2 looks more closely at Leibniz’s understanding of causation within realm of bodies. Section 3 does the same for Leibniz’s account of causation within the realm of minds or “monads.”

Last updated on 02/19/2019