
Below are data files for my recently-completed senior thesis on the evolutionary history of nitrogenase! Please send me an email [mcshea at college dot harvard dot edu] if you would like to look at or talk about other data like alignments, program parameters, or evolutionary rate methods, or if you would like to read the thesis!

The PDF file below corresponds to Figure S1 from the text!

The .txt file contains all the trees from my thesis in Newick format, which can be opened in programs like figtree or in your browser at iTOL. A description of each tree in square brackets follows its Newick string, e.g. each line of the file reads something like "((A,B),C,D); [HDK operon cleaned alignment RAxML]"

All phylogenies constructed in the study293 KB
Detailed PDF of most likely nitrogenase tree24 KB
Oxygen tolerance data on diazotrophs in the study27 KB