Applied Geography (AG) is a long established group, which since 1994 all members have worked in collaboration. Joint activity is conducted under specific challenges and strategic objectives, with several complementary topics enhancing mutual strengths. Despite AG’s long history, our fundamentals have adapted to new societal challenges, learning from positive and negative research results, and from discussions with diverse colleagues.  The strategic objective of AG is to increase research excellence, internationalization and knowledge transfer (see specifics on Part C4), by strengthening internal collaboration and increasing publishing in top academic platforms, transferring results to society and stakeholders, and diffusing conclusions to civil society (both private and public), under the following structural topics: quality of life, biodiversity, sustainability and risks.  Social science is now multidisciplinary and multi-focused. EU, ERC, and important research programs prompt a more inclusive interpretation of social matters, territories and topics. This AG group strategy is to be interdisciplinary (with outside collaborations, and from within, we embrace the many approaches of Geography), international (with collaborations with individuals and groups) and interuniversity related (with competitive coordinated projects). This strategy is aimed at achieving the highest frontiers of research and science.

Montserrat Pallarès