CalR: A Web-based Analysis Tool for Indirect Calorimetry Experiments


Amir I Mina, Raymond A LeClair, Katherine B LeClair, David E Cohen, Louise Lantier, and Alexander S Banks. 2017. “CalR: A Web-based Analysis Tool for Indirect Calorimetry Experiments.” bioRxivbioRxiv.


We report a web-based tool for analysis of indirect calorimetry experiments which measure physiological energy balance. CalR easily imports raw data files, generates plots, and determines the most appropriate statistical tests for interpretation. Analysis with the general linear model (which includes ANOVA and ANCOVA) allows for flexibility to interpret experiments of obesity and thermogenesis. Users may also produce standardized output files of an experiment which can be shared and subsequently re-evaluated using CalR. This framework will provide the transparency necessary to enhance consistency and reproducibility in experiments of energy expenditure. CalR analysis software will greatly increase the speed and efficiency with which metabolic experiments can be organized, analyzed according to accepted norms, and reproduced, and will likely become a standard tool for the field. CalR is accessible at