
Honor, Loyalty, and Merit: The Culture of the Contemporary Spanish Nobility
Otto Federico von Feigenblatt. 10/1/2022. Honor, Loyalty, and Merit: The Culture of the Contemporary Spanish Nobility. 1st ed., Pp. 122. Barcelona: Ediciones Octaedro. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The Spanish nobility continues to be influential in the early 21st century in politics, academia, and the economy. The polarized socio-cultural environment in Spain in the early decades of the millennium is paralleled by an increasingly divisive political discourse and deadlock in terms of governance. Understanding the subcultures of the most influential socio-political groups is important to be able to interpret the political developments. A vast array of studies have been conducted about the rise of the extreme left but there is a dearth of studies dealing with the impact of the traditional nobility in contemporary Spain. The present study presents an emic model of elite culture through the application of a grounded theory approach to texts released by five of the main noble associations in Spain during the last ten years. An inductive approach focuses on the identification of important themes and concepts as expressed and understood by the participants. Traditional noble associations are the focus of the study, in particular, the associations under Royal patronage. The resulting emic model aims to map the mores, norms, and values of a highly visible social group about which there are very few sociological and anthropological studies.
Otto Federico von Feigenblatt, Angiemarie Rivera, and Carlos Santiago. 10/1/2022. “Scholarly Publications in the 21st Century: The Need for Creativity and Flexibility.” Revista Etică și deontologie, 1, 1, Pp. 10-17. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The presentation explores the challenges faced by scholars in the 21st century in terms of the diffusion of knowledge. COVID-19 related restrictions and budgetary constraints require scholars to be creative on how they share their research. Virtual and hybrid academic conferences have become the norm rather than the exception and the use of social media for scholarly dialogue has also increased. Platforms such as and have become booming hubs of activity for a global network of epistemic communities transcending borders and languages.
Otto Federico von Feigenblatt. 5/22/2022. “Education, Culture, and Underdevelopment: Haiti's Tragic Failure.” Revista Universidad y Sociedad, 14, 4, Pp. 604-611. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The present study explores the role of national identity and nationalism in Haiti’s development woes. An applied anthropological perspective is adopted as a way to assess the role of cultural factors to interpret the many challenges faced by international organizations in terms of promoting sustainable development in Haiti. Several development paradigms are explored and the case studies of Singapore, Guadeloupe, China, Cambodia, and South Korea are used to provide alternative models of national development. The paper concludes that Haiti’s nationalism and the cultural relativism of many intergovernmental organizations and non-profit organizations dealing with Haiti have focused on superficial aspects of development at the expense of developing the human capital the country needs in order to escape the trap of dependency and underdevelopment.
2/28/2022. “Breve Introducción a la Historia y Estructura Educativa en los Estados Unidos.” Polimnia, 28, Pp. 57-67.Abstract
La educación en los Estados Unidos a nivel de colegios secundarios se puede dividir en dos grandes grupos. La educación privada y la educación pública. Debido a la historia y desarrollo político de los Estados Unidos los colegios privados tienen una gran autonomía en términos de elegir contenidos y estructurar sus planes de estudios (Aud et al., 2011). Los primeros colegios en los Estados Unidos fueron colegios religiosos establecidos por denominaciones cristianas (Goldin, 1999). El sistema de colegios públicos no fue establecido formalmente hasta el siglo XIX (Lee & Jiménez, 2021).
Otto Federico von Feigenblatt and Carlos Gavilondo. 2/28/2022. “RETOS DE LA PROFESIONALIZACIÓN DE LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR EN ECUADOR: LECCIONES EXTRAPOLADAS DE LA EXPERIENCIA JAPONESA.” Revista Observatorio Iberoamericano de la Economía y la Sociedad del Japón, 13, 37, Pp. 6-15.Abstract
Ecuadorian higher education has undergone major changes in the last two decades. The reforms initiated by former President Rafael Correa have continued to promote a strict process of professionalization of higher education in the South American country. Challenges such as the transformation of a faculty mostly with higher education credentials at the undergraduate level to a faculty at the doctoral level, the shift of emphasis from teaching to research, and great challenges from the political-economic point of view, have resulted in periods of institutional oscillation and high levels of conflict between the different interested groups. The Japanese experience of restructuring and internationalizing its higher education in the late 90s and early twenty-first century helps to identify some best practices that could be applied in other countries that are facing difficulties in this difficult process. This study concludes that part of the process must include a drastic change in the incentive structure at the macro level and it has also resulted in a temporary administrative centralization to overcome the most painful stages of the transformation.
Aprendizaje personalizado y education maker: Nuevos paradigmas didácticos y otras aproximaciones
2/1/2022. Aprendizaje personalizado y education maker: Nuevos paradigmas didácticos y otras aproximaciones. 1st ed., Pp. 132. Barcelona: Octaedro. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Este texto pretende aportar estudios acerca del aprendizaje personalizado y del education maker. Se trata de dos metodologías que están implantadas en otros sistemas educativos, como es el caso de Finlandia o los Estados Unidos. El aprendizaje personalizado se aplica deseablemente a todo el alumnado. Es especialmente necesario que esté dirigido a alumnos en situación diversidad y a segmentos vulnerables. Por su parte, el método de education maker nace en materias tecnológicas, pero esta estrategia o alguno de los componentes pueden trasladarse a otras disciplinas.
Otto Federico von Feigenblatt, Reginald Dennis Calderon, and Theodore Macdonald. 1/3/2022. “The Case for an Eclectic and Flexible Leadership Research Agenda: Dealing with Social Justice and Diversity in the 21st Century Workplace.” Centro Sur, 6, 1, Pp. 130-141.Abstract
The workplace is becoming increasingly diverse and therefore issues of social justice and inclusion have rise to the top of the list of concerns of many management teams. Nevertheless many managers find themselves at a loss in terms of understanding the implications of the international concern on issues of social justice. A holistic approach to diversity and social justice in the workplace requires an applied anthropological perspective as well as an interdisciplinary perspective. The present paper argues that managers and leaders in general can borrow some very simple and useful techniques from applied anthropology and education in order to foster a more inclusive and just workplace.
Otto Federico von Feigenblatt. 12/4/2021. “Mediation for management: Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace.” InnOvaciOnes de NegOciOs , 18, 35, Pp. 113-119 .Abstract

Dealing with conflict is an important part of the process of management; however few managers have received formal training in conflict analysis and resolution methods. Mediation, the process of a neutral third party helping parties in a dispute come to a mutually acceptable solution to a dispute is a non-coercive process that can increase job satisfaction, lower employee turnover, and improve the quality of decision making in an organization. Therefore the present paper argues in favor of integrating mediation as part of the core functions of management and as part of a systemic strategy to deal with conflict in the workplace. 


Otto Federico von Feigenblatt, Reginald Dennis Calderon, and Malcolm Cooper. 10/21/2021. “Teaching Negotiation in the Business Sector: Methods, Models, and Challenges.” Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studies, E1.Abstract
The present paper explores the different methods, models, and challenges of teaching negotiation in the business sector. Particular attention is paid to the challenges brought about by borrowing methods and techniques borrowed from the fields of law and conflict analysis and resolution. A problem-based approach is favored as a way to make negotiation less theoretical and more pragmatic. The integration of communication and problem-solving techniques as part of the negotiation curriculum is also recommended and a case study of the application of the Buzan mind-mapping technique as part of integrative negotiation is explored in detail. Moreover, certain best practices borrowed from applied anthropology are also operationalized to deal with cultural and social differences in business negotiation.
Otto Federico von Feigenblatt, Phillip Dean Pardo, and Malcolm Cooper. 7/24/2021. “Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP): Thailand’s Emic Approach to Governance and Development as Evidence of an Asian-value Oriented Inclusive Leadership Management Philosophy.” Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 6, 2, Pp. 289-300.Abstract
Thailand has been at the core of the Asian Values debate since the 1992 World Conference on Human Rights held in Vienna. Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) is an approach developed by the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej to condense and operationalize his approach to governance and development during the last two decades of his seventy year reign. Integrating values borrowed from Theravada Buddhism such as benevolence, emphasis on the middle way, and an emphasis on the public good, SEP is one of the most highly developed alternative approaches to development and governance in the Asian region. During his seventy- year reign, King Bhumibol Adulyadej saw thirty prime ministers come and go as well as over eighteen revised constitutions. Nevertheless, the country remained relatively peaceful and stable and the core pillars of Nation, Monarchy, and Religion provided continuity for the people throughout the upheavals of the Cold War and the new millennium. SEP has shown resiliency and flexibility to deal with a vast array of challenges both domestic and foreign. The present study explores the development of SEP with a particular focus on the role of values and leadership styles. SEP provides evidence of an actually existing Asian-value oriented inclusive leadership style that is practiced in both the private and the public sectors. A tentative model of SEP as a management style is provided and subjected to critical analysis.
Otto Federico von Feigenblatt, Phillip Dean Pardo, and Malcolm Cooper. 6/30/2021. “The "Bad Students" Movement and Human Rights in Contemporary Thailand.” Revista Ciencias Sociales y Económicas - UTEQ, 5, 1, Pp. 174-194. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The present paper explores the role of the “Bad Students” Movement in Thailand’s pro-democracy protests. Local issues such as the social studies curriculum, school uniforms, and disciplinary measures in the public school system, are presented by the “Bad Students” Movement as a humanrights issue. The discourse used by the Group is deconstructed so as to identify some of the problems posed by the use of the broader human rights language to challenge strongly held mores and norms of the Thai education system.
Otto Federico von Feigenblatt, Phillip Dean Pardo, and Malcolm Cooper. 4/28/2021. “Corporatism and Benevolent Authoritarianism: Viable Antidotes to Populism.” Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences, 11, 1, Pp. 73-98.Abstract
The instability of liberal democracies both in Europe and in the Americas partly brought about by the COVID-19 Pandemic has shown the limits of this construct in terms of protecting the core values of liberalism itself, such as freedom of speech and the protection of private property. Riots in the United States, vandalism in several European countries, and the attempts by the media and big technology corporations to suppress free speech can be contrasted to the relative stability and calm of Asian countries with corporatist systems and with different varieties of benevolent authoritarianism. The present paper argues that an emerging Asian model combining aspects of corporatism, increasing professional engagement throughout society, and benevolent authoritarianism has shown greater resilience and greater success in protecting the core values that liberal democracies are supposed to be based on, than the open systems favored by the West.
Otto Federico von Feigenblatt. 3/21/2021. “Human Trafficking in Thailand: The Complex Contextual Factors.” Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 6, 1, Pp. 137-146.Abstract
The present exploratory paper tackles the issue of human trafficking in Thailand. Southeast Asia is a region known as both a recipient and as an exporter of trafficked workers. It is important to understand the pull and the push factors making Thailand an important destination and conduit for human trafficking. The fishing and sex industries seem to be at the center of this phenomenon nevertheless the practice can also be found in rubber plantations and in some factories. A critical theory approach is applied and cultural context is provided so as to understand this complex phenomenon
Otto Federico von Feigenblatt. 3/1/2019. “Flexible Diplomacy: Scholars as Key Players in Track II Diplomacy.” Espirales Revista Multidisciplinaria De investigación, 3, 28, Pp. 32-45.Abstract
The field of traditional diplomacy has changed very little since the Congress of Vienna in the 19th century. Globalization, non-traditional security threats, and a changing global landscape require a more flexible diplomacy that includes a wider range of stakeholders such as NGOs, community leaders, and most importantly scholars/academics.The academic freedom enjoyed by scholars allows them to explore policy questions from a scientific perspective. The present study follows the grounded theory approach to model development while adopting a largely constructivist paradigm in terms of the nature of diplomacy Resultthe academic freedom enjoyed by scholars allows them to explore policy questions from a scientific perspective. Thus, scholars have the freedom to explore controversial topics in an environment of respect and professionalism. Scholars have historically served as the conscience of their generation and also as the keepers and creators of civilization and therefore it is only natural for them to play important roles in public policy. The integration of the scholarly community into the diplomatic corps of developing countries can reduce the intrinsic asymmetry between the expertise and skills of the ministries of foreign affairs of developing and developed countries. 
Otto Federico von Feigenblatt. 1/27/2012. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN): Conflict and Development, Pp. 392. New Delhi: New Century Publications.Abstract
This study provides a structural analysis of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations' (ASEAN) role in Southeast Asia's regional development and conflict. Part I of the book concentrates on ASEAN's dispute management mechanism and applies Robert Fritz's theory of structural dynamics. It introduces the main structural factors influencing the organization's dispute management system and identifies avoidance and consensus building as the two central procedures. ASEAN's oscillation between success and failure is also discussed by identifying the root causes underlying the structural instability. How to overcome ASEAN's internal organization conflicts leading to oscillation through structural dynamics is also discussed. This section concludes by presenting a general overview of ASEAN's role in dealing with regional conflict through preventive diplomacy and possibly peace-building. Part II concentrates on socio-economic development and trade, providing an overview of socio-economic development in the region, as well as some important intra-regional trade barriers. It applies structural dynamics to the problem of economic and trade oscillation in ASEAN. Based on ASEAN's official goal of creating a socio-cultural community, Part III of the book tackles the structural conflicts present due to the region's diverse socio-cultural makeup. The complementary processes of avoidance and consensus building are presented as the central mechanisms through which ASEAN can construct shared norms and thus overcome inherent organizational conflicts. It also presents an overview of ASEAN's path towards a socio-cultural community through a structural lens. Part IV presents general conclusions and proposes possible future directions for further research. It ties together the previous three sections by providing an overview of ASEAN's future in the region's development and conflict.