
4/11/10                CHI 2010 Workshop Microblogging, Atlanta, GA.
Selected to present ongoing work on using Twitter to predict box-office performance.

10/21/09              Google, Cambridge, MA.
Presentation of ongoing work on open-source, computer-based, educational software.

7/30/08                Three Paradoxes of the Drug Prohibition, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
Presentation of ongoing research about drug policy and incarceration rates.

5/3/08                  Race and New Media, City College of Technology, New York, NY.
Keynote: “ and the Future of Race and New Media”

4/19/08                Conference on Order, Conflict and Violence, Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Presentation of paper: “How Does Police Response Affect Riot Severity?”

10/27/07              American Association of School Librarians, Reno, NV.
Keynote speech: “How Can Libraries Can Thrive in the Age of Google?”

2/23/07                Harvard Graduate School of Education Conference, Cambridge, MA.
Presentation of original research: “Did Crack Cocaine Increase Dropouts?”

2/10/07                Tavis Smiley Presents: State of the Black Union, Hampton University, VA.
Panel discussion broadcast on C-SPAN.

4/20/05                Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY.
Speech: “Participatory Media.”

4/4/05                  USC Annenberg School, Laguna, CA.
Keynote speech: “Non-Elephantine Zoology: Everything Converges to Community.”

10/18/04              Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC.
Speech: “The Diversity Gap: How Demographic and Technological Change Are Creating the New Generation Gap.”

1/11/04                American Library Association, San Diego, CA.
Keynote speech: “Child Internet Protection Act and Online Community.”

10/24/03          Tri-Caucus Retreat, Asian-American, Black and Hispanic Congressional Caucuses’ Annual Gathering, San Juan, PR.
Keynote speech: “How Multicultural Youth Are Reshaping America.”