
Stanifer BP, Dragnev KH, Delong PA, Tilluckdharry LO, Rigas JR, McGowan AK, Kopar PK, Nugent WC, Erkmen CP. KRAS and EGFR Results from EBUS Evaluation of Mediastinal Adenopathy, in Chest . Honolulu, Hawaii: American College of Chest Physicians ; 2011.
Stanifer BP, Dragnev KH, Delong PA, Tilluckdharry LO, Rigas JR, McGowan AK, Kopar P, Nugent WC, Erkmen CP. EBUS Results on Patients with Previous Malignancy and New Mediastinal Adenopathy, in Chest. Honolulu, Hawaii: American College of Chest Physicians ; 2011.
Erkmen CP, Stanifer BP, Padmanabhan V, Kopar PK, McGowan AK, Tilluckdharry LO, Rigas JR, Nugent WC, Dragnev KH, DeLong PA. Achieving Tissue Diagnosis, Staging and Molecular Analysis of Lung Cancer with Endobronchial Ultrasound- Transbronchial Needle Aspiration (EBUS-TBNA), in 14th World Conference on Lung Cancer . Amsterdam, The Netherlands : International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer ; 2011.