Publications (in Economics Journals)

  1. One Step at a Time: Does Gradualism Build Coordination?(with M. Ye, J. Zheng and S. Asher). 2019. Management Science (Behavioral Economics section) 65 (Accepted/Forthcoming). [PDF of Paper]

  2. Vocational training programs and youth labor market outcomes: Evidence from Nepal. (Lead & corresponding author; with S. Chakravarty, M. Lundberg and J. Zenker). 2019. Journal of Development Economics 136(1):71-110. doi:/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2018.09.002. [PDF of Paper]

  3. What Factors Drive Individual Misperceptions of the Returns to Schooling in Tanzania? Some Lessons for Education Policy(with N. Jimi). 2018. Applied Economics 50(44):4705-4723. doi: 10.1080/00036846.2018.1466991. [PDF of Paper] 

  4. Short-Run Health Consequences of Retirement and Pension Benefits: Evidence from China (with A. Adelman). Forum for Health Economics & Policy. In Press. (2019). [PDF of Paper] 

  5. Nikolov, P. (2018). Time delay and investment decisions: Evidence from an experiment in Tanzania. Economics Bulletin, 38(2), 1124-1137. doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/RSW87. [PDF of Paper]

  6. Risk Compensation and HIV Therapy: A Field Experiment in South Africa (Provisionally Accepted, Revision requested). [PDF of Paper] Old Slides