Office Hours

"Office" "Hours"

(Revised January 2023)

Please feel free to sign up for these slots if you are in the Harvard PhD programs in Economics, Business Economics, PEG, or affiliated programs; in the MIT, NHH, U.C. Berkeley, or U.C. Salton Sea Economics PhD programs; any existing research advisee; and anybody currently enrolled in one of my courses. I also welcome meeting with other Harvard economics undergraduates or PhD students in any program using your judgment on how likely the meeting is to be useful to you, but ask that you (a) read through the instructions in the sign-up links first, and (b) send me a more explanatory email at the moment you sign up. If you are less confident a meeting would help, or if you have urgent business and none of the existing appointments work, please send me an e-mail at Sign-up meetings are primarily for research advising and coursework, but PhD students in economics or affiliated programs should feel free to sign up to discuss anything related to the program or to economics. The primary sign-up hours linked below as "Zoom(ish) Meetings", "Littauer Meetings", and "Baker-Library Meetings", with further explanations as those links. Those interested in Econ 1036 for Spring 2023 should see instructions on the canvas page and the 1036 link on my home page, but the relevant link will be "Quick-Consultation Meetings" linked below. 

Meeting slots on Zoom -- and message containing up-to-date list of other meeting options:

Normal(ish) Meetings:

Special Meetings:


Additional options available for interested PhD students or colleagues:

Sweaty meetings (60-minute cardio meetings):

Somewhat-Sweaty Meetings (75-105 minute loop walk along the river):