Be You Project/ Amman


Be You project is a project that has been developed and implemented by Taghyeer organization as a part of adolescent girls empowerment program in 2016 & 2017. The idea of this project was inspired from Munir Fasheh’s book "قصتي مع الكلمات" “My Story with Words” where stories of people who choose specific words to write their stories with these words. The project’s main focus is to provide a chance for the girls aged between 14-17 years old to express their own definitions of words they choose through writing and drawing stories about the chosen words. By doing this, the girls will adopt different prospective


  • Self-expression and empowerment
  • Acquiring individual and team working skills
  • Instilling self-confidence


The project is implemented in six sessions:

  1. The first session is an induction session where the girls will learn more about the background of the program and the inspiration that it came from. The first session will also include readings for “My Story with Words” book.
  2. The second session is a brainstorming session on the words that the girls want to write about. It will also include writing and drawing a draft of their stories.
  3. The third session is the writing workshop with a professional writer to discuss the best practices in writing a story.
  4. The fourth session is the drawing workshop with drawing trainer to discuss and learn the basic skills of drawing.
  5. The fifth session is a reflection session about the final drafts of the stories, and brainstorming on the final design of the books.
  6. Sixth session is a celebration of the journey and handing the girls their books.

Project Budget


Anticipated Costs


$   3000