Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)

WLR’s primary method of M&E is conducted through our mobile and online application, the Global Ambassadors Network (GAN). RAs access GAN after holding a reading session, and input data such as the number and gender of attendees. They can also share qualitative data about their experiences with stories and photos. The application allows them and WLR to track changes, performance, growth, and retention.

A second method that supplements online and mobile data collection is through in-field visits. Training Officers follow up with RAs, sitting in on their reading sessions and debriefing with them to hear their story—their motivation for getting involved, their background, observations, etc. This is an opportunity for WLR to show its appreciation for their service and to help continue their engagement in the movement. The RAs can share ideas they have to enhance and/or grow the program and ways that WLR can better support them. These follow-ups are conducted six months after training with each RA in Jordan, and thereafter on an ad hoc basis or whenever an RA requests.

A third prong of our M&E is continued collaboration with our NGO partners who take the TOT and integrate the WLR program within their own activities. Once a year  WLR connects with each partner to discuss their program and obtain reports on critical impact data. This collaboration is essential to grow our program, particularly beyond Jordan. Within Jordan, it has allowed us to reach the refugee population, from those living in Azraq and Emirati Jordanian Camps to those living in local communities.