Publications by Year: 2017

Bernstein, Robin. “How to Talk to Famous Professors.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2017. Publisher's Version
Bernstein, Robin. “Banish the Smarm.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2017, LXIII, 40, 29-30. Publisher's Version
Bernstein, Robin. “You are Not a Public Utility.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2017, LXIII, 36. Publisher's Version
Bernstein, Robin. “The Art of "No".” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2017, LXIII, 32, 40. Publisher's Version
Bernstein, Robin. “Let Black Kids Just Be Kids.” New York Times, 2017, A23. Publisher's Version
Bernstein, Robin. “'I’m very happy to be in the reality-based community’: Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home, Digital Photography, and George W. Bush.” American Literature 89, no. 1 (2017): 121-154.