
Sen A. Information and Invariance in Normative Choice. In: Heller WP, Starr R, Starrett DA Social Choice and Public Decision Making: Essays in Honor of Kenneth J. Arrow, vol.1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ; 1986.
Sen A. The Standard of Living. In: McMurrin S Tanner Lectures on Human Values VII. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ; 1986.
Sen A. Welfare Economics and the Real World, in Frank Seidman Distinguished Award in Political Economy. Memphis, TN: P.K. Seidman Foundation ; 1986.
Sen A. The Concept of Well-being. In: Guhan S, Shroff M Essays on Economic Progress and Welfare: In Honour of I.G. Patel. Oxford: Oxford University Press ; 1986.
Sen A. Social Choice Theory. In: Arrow KJ, Intriligator M Handbook of Mathematical Economics, Vol. III. Amsterdam: North Holland ; 1986.
Sen A. Foundations of Social Choice Theory: An Epilogue. In: Elster J, Hylland A Foundations of Social Choice Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ; 1986.
Sen A. Well-being, Agency and Freedom: The Dewey Lectures 1984. Journal of Philosophy. 1985;82 (April).
Sen A. The Moral Standing of the Market. Social Philosophy and Policy. 1985;3.
Sen A. Rights as Goals. Austin Lecture to the U.K. Association for Legal and Social Philosophy; 1985.
Sen A. Rights and Capabilities. In: Honderich T Morality and Objectivity. London: Routledge ; 1985.
Sen A. Women, Technology and Sexual Divisions. Trade and Development, United Nations, New York. 1985;6.
Sen A. Goals, Commitment and Identity. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization. 1985;1 (Fall).
Sen A. Rationality and Uncertainty. Theory and Decision. 1985;18.
Sen A. A Sociological Approach to the Measurement of Poverty: A Reply to Professor Peter Townsend. Oxford Economic Papers. 1985;37 (November).
Sen A. Social Choice and Justice: A Review Article. Journal of Economic Literature. 1985;23 (December).
Commodities and Capabilities
Sen A. Commodities and Capabilities. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1985. Publisher's Version
Sen A. Economic Development: Some Strategic Issues. Asian Journal of Economics and Social Studies. 1984;3.
Sen A. Food Battles: Conflicts in the Access to Food. Food and Nutrition. 1984;10.
Sen A. The New Economic Gospel. New Society. 1984.
Sen A. The Living Standard. Oxford Economic Papers. 1984;36 (August).
