
Sen A. Tagore and His India. The New York Review of Books. 1997;44.
Sen A. The Vision That Worked. Times Literary Supplement. 1997;August.
Sen A. Indian Traditions and Western Imagination. Daedalus. 1997;126 (Spring).
Sen A. Radical Needs and Moderate Reforms. In: Drèze J, Sen A Indian Development: Selected Regional Perspectives. Delhi: Oxford University Press ; 1997.
Sen A. Inequality, Unemployment and Contemporary Europe. International Labour Review. 1997;136.
Sen A. Quality of Life and Economic Evaluation. Academia Economic Papers. 1997;25 (September).
Sen A. What’s the Point of a Development Strategy?. In: Malinvaud E, et al Development Strategy and the Management of the Market Economy. Oxford: Clarendon Press ; 1997.
Sen A, Anand S. Concepts of Human Development and Poverty: A Multidimensional Perspective. In: Poverty and Human Development: Human Development Papers 1997. New York: United Nations Development Programme ; 1997. pp. 1-20.
Sen A. Development Thinking at the Beginning of the 21st Century. In: Emmerij L Economic and Social Development into the XXI Century. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, and Johns Hopkins University Press ; 1997.
Sen A. Human Capital and Human Capability. World Development. 1997;25.
Sen A. Maximization and the Act of Choice. Econometrica. 1997;65.
Sen A. From Income Inequality to Economic Inequality. Southern Economic Journal. 1997;64.
Sen A. Individual Preference as the Basis of Social Choice. In: Arrow KJ, et al Social Choice Re-examined. London: MacMillan ; 1997.
La libertà individuale come impegno sociale
Sen A. La libertà individuale come impegno sociale. Rome & Bari: Editori Laterza; 1997. Publisher's Version
Indian Development: Selected Regional Perspectives
Sen A, Drèze J. Indian Development: Selected Regional Perspectives. Delhi: Oxford University Press; 1997. Publisher's Version
Sen A. On the Status of Equality. Political Theory. 1996;24 (August).
Sen A. Legal Rights and Moral Rights: Old Questions and New Problems. Ratio Juris. 1996;9 (June).
Sen A. Freedom, Capabilities and Public Action: A Response. Notizie di Politeia. 1996;12.
Sen A. Objectivity, Health and Policy. In: Dasgupta M, Chen L, Krishnan TN Health, Poverty and Development in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press ; 1996.
Sen A. Health, Inequality and Welfare Economics. In: B. G. Kumar Endowment Lecture 1995. Thiruvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies ; 1996.
