Class 04: Nondimensionalizing and Bistability

Before class, watch the lecture material linked below
Then post questions or comments (or respond to others) on Piazza (access via Canvas or from the direct link on the course page)
Check yourself via the Check Yourself 04 (by 11:59pm on Mon Sept 14th)
In class, we'll work on examples of these ideas: Class04 Activity
After class, complete the homework

V01 (Sa)  |  Dimension  (All)  |  6 min
V02 (Sa)  |  Nondimensionalizing (All)  |  12 min
V03 (Sa)  |  Bistability (All)  |   11 min
V04 (Sa)  |  Generating bistability (All)  |  12 min
V05 (St)   |  Cusp catastrophe example setup (5:22 to 16:36)  |  11 min

52 minutes