September 2020

Call for Hong Kong style “civic action” if Trump refuses to leave

David Brooks, the conservative columnist, asks the question in The New York Times today "What will you do if trump doesn't leave?" He says we need to start thinking now about "a sustained campaign of civic action," like in Hong-Kong or Belarus. He is asking us all to think about what we would do if this comes. My answer is clear, I would participate.

#Trump ... Read more about Call for Hong Kong style “civic action” if Trump refuses to leave

Trump on who’s “pulling Biden’s strings” - Conspiracy thinking anyone?

In his interview with Laura Ingraham, trump described mysterious people secretly pulling Mr. Biden's strings and talked about a plane load of black clad anarchists flying to Washington to disrupt the RNC. "People that you've never heard of" are controlling. Biden, "people that are in the dark shadows." Even Ingraham asked him "What does that mean? That sounds like conspiracy theory."

#Trump ... Read more about Trump on who’s “pulling Biden’s strings” - Conspiracy thinking anyone?

Left-wing French economist rejects Chinese publishing censorship

The left wing French economist Thomas Piketty has written a new book that extends his discussion of economic inequality to the non Western world. There has been interest in publishing the book in China, but the Chinese publisher has presented a long list of passages they want censored, including his discussion of extreme inequality in China, the lack of an inheritance tax, and the lack of democracy. Unlike some other Western authors, who have bowed to Chinese censorship demands, Piketty has said he will not. Looks like the book will not be published there. This is among other things... Read more about Left-wing French economist rejects Chinese publishing censorship