Case Study: Software and Tool Challenges Encountered in Parameterizing a Domain-Specific Accelerator


Radhika Ghosal and Sabrina M. Neuman. 2022. “Case Study: Software and Tool Challenges Encountered in Parameterizing a Domain-Specific Accelerator.” Workshop on Languages, Tools, and Techniques for Accelerator Design (LATTE) at the ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) 2022. Full Text
Case Study: Software and Tool Challenges Encountered in Parameterizing a Domain-Specific Accelerator


For application domains with a range of different deployment scenarios, such as robotics, it can be advantageous to parameterize accelerator designs so that they can be easily re-designed and customized per-deployment. Previous work prescribed a systematic methodology to parameterize a class of robotics accelerators according to the physical features of the robot, and manually implemented an accelerator for robot rigid body dynamics gradients for a manipulator arm. However, to automate the process of accelerator re-deployment for future work, it has been necessary to elaborate on the tool infrastructure to create a fully parameterized flow. Without delving into the details of our particular architectural framework, this case study informally provides a retrospective of some of the challenges with tools and software that we have encountered while parameterizing our domain-specific accelerator design.
Last updated on 07/05/2022