

Bisakah Berdiam di Rumah Menjadi Partisan? Keynote address at conference: The Pandemic in Indonesia and the World. Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University, Jambi. December 2020

Polling in Indonesia: Past and Future Challenges. Alumni Ahok Indonesia. Jakarta, January 2020


Polls, Young Voters, and Discontinuities: Making Sense of Survey and Voting Data ahead of Pemilu 2019. UNICEF Social Policy Lunch Series. Jakarta, April 2019

Failure Modes: Making Sense of the Polls and Claims of Fraud in Pemilu 2019. Embassy of Australia in Jakarta, April 2019.

Steady Polls, No Incumbent Apocalypse, and Prabowo’s Young Base. Political Section of the US Embassy Jakarta. March 2019.

Model Thinking: Making Sense of the Polls Ahead of Pemilu 2019. Vriens and Partners, Jakarta. February 2019.

Peran Statistika dalam Memprediksi Hasil Pemilihan Presiden 2019. Office of Special Staff to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, February 2019.


Analisa Statistik dan Perannya dalam Peningkatan Legitimasi Demokrasi. Office of Special Staff to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, November 2018.

What Will Happen in the 2019 General Election? Political Section of the US Embassy Jakarta. October 2018.

Predicting Pileg 2019 with Bayesian Statistics and Big Data. Leadership Council of the Golkar Party, April 2018

Sunway University, Malaysia. “Learning, Abroad.” July 2015