Schedule and Reading List

Date Presenters Papers
Feb 27

Ravi Jagadeesan

Feldstein, Martin. 1978. "The Welfare Cost of Capital Income Taxation." Journal of Political Economy​​​​​​, 86(2): 29-51​.

Bulow, Jeremy and Lawrence Summers. 1984. "The Taxation of Risky Assets." Journal of Political Economy. 92(1): 20-39.


Mar 6 Paul Fontanier and Armando Miano

Saez, Emmanuel and Stefanie Stantcheva. 2016. "A Simpler Theory of Optimal Capital Taxation." NBER Working Paper 22664.

Saez, Emmanuel. 2002. "The Desirability of Commodity Taxation Under Non-Linear Income Taxation and Heterogeneous Tastes." Journal of Public Economics. 83(2): 217-230.


Mar 13 Vu Chau and Robert Siliciano

Guvenen, Fatih, et al. 2017. "Use It or Lose It: Efficiency Gains from Wealth Taxation." Working paper.


Mar 27 Gabriel Unger and Maria Voronina

Decker, Ryan, et al. 2018. "Changing Business Dynamism and Productivity:  Shocks vs. Responsiveness." NBER Working Paper 24236.


Apr 3 Shushu Liang and Anna Stansbury

De Loecker, Jan, et al. 2018. "The Rise of Market Power and the Macroeconomic Implications." Working paper.


Apr 17 Martin Aragoneses and Jeffrey Wang

Hopenhayn, Hugo, et al. 2018. "From Population Growth to Firm Demographics: Implications for Concentration, Entrepreneurship and the Labor Share." NBER Working Paper 25382.




EC2906 Macro Public Reading Group