Mind, Brain, and Education: A Crash Course for Teachers. [video]


Julia Volkman. 5/23/2016. “Mind, Brain, and Education: A Crash Course for Teachers. [video].” CALL & the Brain: JALTCALL 5/23/2016. Video URL


What does our growing neuroscientific knowledge of cognition teach us about teaching? We know that education materially changes the brain but do we know which practices result in skillful or unskillful changes? This talk will present the overall view of Mind, Brain, and Education as a transdisciplinary approach to learning. It will present ways to address diverse aspects of human biology as supports for optimal understanding and skill mastery. The talk will touch on plasticity, dynamic skill development, attention, memory, learning variability, mirror neurons, social biology, and more. Concrete and actionable suggestions that arise from this body of research will be presented. Attendees will leave with strategies they can immediately incorporate to improve student engagement and outcomes.

Last updated on 07/15/2018