
Edited Volumes

  1. 2020. “一国两制”的理论与实践研究[Studies on the Theory and Practice of 'One Country Two Systems'](北京:九州出版社)[Beijing: Jiuzhou Press].

Translated Works

  1. 2024. 《历史与国际关系:从古代世界到21世纪》[Translated from: Howard LeRoy Malchow, History and International Relations: From the Ancient World to the 21st Century, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020]. Forthcoming.
  2. 2024. 《权力与自由:西方兴起的因与果》[Translated from: John A. Hall, Powers and Liberties: The Causes and Consequences of the Rise of the West, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1986]. Forthcoming.
  3. 2023. 《未经同意的同意:随笔与演讲,1969—2013》(上海:上海译文出版社 [Translated from: Noam Chomsky, Masters of Mankind: Essays and Lectures, 1969-2013, Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books, 2014]). 
  4. 2022. "应对新冠疫情需要重建有效的多边主义" [The Battle against the COVID-19 Calls for the Reestablishment of Effective Multilateralism], translated from the original article titled "COVID-19 and Multilateralism" by Jeffrey D. Sachs published in Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development2020, No.22, pp.1~5.
  5. 2018. Tao Wenzhao ed.,The US Policy Making Process for Post Cold War China: The Role of US Think Tanks and Diplomacy (Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore and Beijing: China Social Sciences Press [Translated from: 陶文钊编:美国思想库与冷战后美国对华政策,北京:社会科学出版社,2014]).

Book Chapters

  1. 2020. "美国对’一国两制‘的认知偏差和消极评估"[U.S.'s Cognitive Bias and Negative Evaluation of "One Country, Two Systems"], 《“一国两制”的理论与实践研究》[Studies on the Theory and Practice of 'One Country Two Systems'](北京:九州出版社)[Beijing: Jiuzhou Press], pp.117~152.
  2. 2015. "China's Economic Diplomacy towards the US (2002-2012)," in Zhang Xiaotong, Wang Hongyu et al., eds., China’s Economic Diplomacy: The PRC’s Growing International Influence in the 21st Century (London: ACA Publishing Ltd.), pp.159~165. 

Journal Articles

  1. 2024. “Silence the Drums of War: The Policy Implications of The Avoidable War for China-U.S. Relations,” China International Strategy Review,
  2. 2024.  “美国情报界对华威胁认知论析” [Analysis of U.S. Intelligence Community’s Threat Perception of China],《情报杂志》[Journal of Intelligence],, forthcoming.
  3. 2024. (with Jing Chen). “美国对华政策重构过程中的国会——以美中战略竞争特别委员会为个案” [The Congress in the Reconstruction of U.S.-China Policy---A Case Study of the U.S.-China Special Committee on Strategic Competition], 《统一战线学研究》[Journal of United Front Science], No. 2 (April), pp. 175~192.
  4. 2023. (with Kunpeng Cheng). “资源依赖和柔性策略:政社合作如何影响环境治理?” [Resource Dependence and Non-Confrontational Strategies: How Does Political and Social Cooperation Influence Environmental Governance?], 《中国社会组织研究》[China Social Organizations Research], No. 2, pp. 118~134.
  5. 2023.  “The Russo-Ukraine War and the Perceived Global Power Shift: Factors Influencing U.S. Taiwan Policy Change,” The China Review, Vol.23, No.4 (November), pp. 77~107.
  6. 2023. (with Huanyu Yao). “美日韩“三边安全机制”的动向及影响” [Trends of US-Japan-ROK Trilateral Security Mechanism],《现代国际关系》[Contemporary International Relations], No.11, pp. 63~83.
  7. 2023. “美国对台政策调整中的智库因素:以“全球台湾研究中心”为个案” [The Think Tank Factor in the U.S. Taiwan Policy Change: The Case of Global Taiwan Institute], 《台湾研究》[Taiwan Studies], No.4, pp. 11~20.
  8. 2023. “俄乌冲突的余波:美国对台政策的‘乌克兰化’及其局限”[The Repercussions of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict: The “Ukrainization” of U.S. Taiwan Policy and Its Limits],《台湾研究集刊》[Taiwan Research Journal], No.2, pp.14~33.
  9. 2023. (with Huanyu Yao). “俄乌冲突后美国主流智库对台政策认知及其影响” [Mainstream U.S. Think Tanks' Perceptions of U.S. Taiwan Policy after the Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Their Implications],《台海研究》[Cross-Taiwan Strait Studies], No.1, pp.148~162.
  10. 2023. “Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics,” International Sociology, Vol.38, No.2, pp.194~209.
  11. 2023.“美国智库对华政策的认知、根源及其应对” [U.S. Think Tanks' Perceptions of China Policy, Causes and Countermeasures],《情报杂志》[Journal of Intelligence], No.2, pp.57~64.
  12. 2022.“美国霸权想象下的中国大战略” [China's Grand Strategy Imagined by American Hegemony], 《美国研究》[The Chinese Journal of American Studies], No.5, pp.49~66.
  13. 2022. “‘印太战略’下美国涉台政策调整:战略清晰抑或战术清晰?”[U.S. Taiwan Policy Change under Its "Indo-Pacific Strategy": Strategic Clarity or Tactical Clarity?], Special Issue on Insights into Western Countries' Taiwan Policies under Their "Indo-Pacific Strategies," 《闽台关系研究》[Research on Fujian-Taiwan Relationship], No.1, pp.2~21.
  14. 2022. “美国战略界对台政策辩论及其影响”[The US Strategic Community’s Taiwan Policy Debates and Their Implications],《现代国际关系》[Contemporary International Relations]. No.2, pp.54~62.
  15. 2022. (with Gang Lin & Weixu Wu). “What Shapes Taiwan-related Legislation in U.S. Congress?Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.31, No.136, pp.609~625, DOI: 10.1080/10670564.2021.1985840.
  16. 2022. “‘以文谋独’?中美战略竞争背景下台湾当局对美游说新形态” ["Seeking Independence with Culture?" Taiwan's New Type of Lobby of the U.S. in the Context of China-U.S. Strategic Competition], 《统一论坛》[Reunification Forum], No.2, pp.33~35.
  17. 2021. “Book Review: Think Tanks, Foreign Policy and the Emerging Powers, edited by James G. McGann,” Journal of Rising Powers and Global Governance, Vol.2, No.2, pp.51~55.
  18. 2021. "美国保守派智库对美涉台政策的介入与走向——基于特朗普时期的研究" [The Intervention and Trend of American Conservative Think Tanks in U.S. Taiwan-related PoliciesA Case Study during the Trump Presidency], 《闽台关系研究》[Research on Fujian-Taiwan Relationship], No.1, pp.28~44.
  19. 2021. "中美战略竞争与国际政治研究转向的强化" [China-U.S. Strategic Competition and the Strengthening of Diversion of Research Agendas of International Politics], 《中国图书评论》[China Book Review], No.5, pp.106~115.
  20. 2020. (with Gang Lin). "美国国会干涉台湾问题的新动向" [Changes in US Congress's Interference of the Taiwan Question], 《现代国际关系》[Contemporary International Relations], No.10, pp.53~60.
  21. 2020. "美国各界对'一国两制'的认知、偏见及其根源" ["One Country, Two Systems" in the United States of America: Cognition, Bias and Origins],《台湾研究》[Taiwan Studies], No.3, pp.22~32.
  22. 2020. (with Gang Lin). "美国国会涉台立法的规律与发展趋势研究" [A Study of Taiwan-Related Legislation in the U.S. Congress: Regular Patterns and Developmental Trends],《美国研究》[The Chinese Journal of American Studies], Vol.34, No.3, pp.35~51.
  23. 2020. (with Gang Lin). "台湾地区2020年‘二合一’选举结果及其对政党政治的影响"[The 'Two-in-One' Elections and Their Impacts on Party Politics in Taiwan],《台湾研究》[Taiwan Studies], No.1, pp.33~48.
  24. 2019. (with Gang Lin).  "'弃台论'及其批判:美国对台政策的利益与价值之辩" ["Taiwan Abandonment" and Its Critics: Interests Versus Values in U.S. Taiwan Policy], 《江苏行政学院学报》[Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute], No.4, pp.83~89.
  25. 2019. (with Gang Lin). "两岸关系研究中的层次分析问题" [The Level of Analysis in Cross-Strait Relations Studies],《台海研究》[Cross-Taiwan Strait Studies], No.2, pp.46~54. 
  26. 2019. "全球智库:科学决策与创新治理的新动向——美国全球智库及其对中国的政策意涵" [Policymaking and Innovative Covernance—The Development of U.S. Think Tanks and Its Implications for China], 《中国第三部门研究》[China Third Sector Research], No.1, pp.165~181.
  27. 2019. "什么问题?何以重要?——评《中国问题:对一个崛起大国的批判透视》" [What Questions? Why Is It Critical? —A Review of The China Questions: Critical Insights into A Rising Power], 《领导科学论坛》[The Forum of Leadership Science],No.15, pp.90~96.
  28. 2018. (with Gang Lin). "Does Taiwan Matter to the United States? Policy Debates on Taiwan Abandonment and Beyond," The China Review, Vol.18, No.3 (August), pp.177~206. 
  29. 2018. "论'修昔底德陷阱':中美之间必有一战?" [On '‎Thucydides's trap': Are China and the US Destined for War?], 《中国图书评论》[China Book Review], No.7, pp.66~76.
  30. 2018. (with Kunpeng Cheng). "美国智库参与外交决策过程的路径与影响" [The Path and Impact of American Think Tanks in Foreign Policy Decision Making Processes], 《中国第三部门研究》[China Third Sector Research], No.1, pp.175~192.
  31. 2018. (with Weinan Wang). "特朗普时代的中美关系与台湾问题" [China-U.S. Relations and the Taiwan Issue in the Trump Era],《中国军事科学》[China Military Science], No.4, pp.40~47. 

Selected Commentaries

  1. 2024. "Taiwan's future lies in deeper integration with Chinese mainland," CGTN, January 14.
  2. 2023. "U.S. arms sales to Taiwan region damage its own interests," CGTN, March 05.
  3. 2022. "Why should Biden cage Congressional activism on the Taiwan question?" CGTN, August 18.
  4. 2022. "Adherence to pacifist path best serves Japan's interest," CGTN, July 24.
  5. 2022. "American elites reneging on their promise on the one-China consensus," CGTN, March 13.
  6. 2021. "Merkel's pragmatism key to sound German-China and EU-China ties," China Daily, December 09.
  7. 2021. "美国国会主导涉台政策阻碍中美关系重启", China-US Focus, August 24.
  8. 2021. "Lithuania's penny wise, pound foolish move on the Taiwan issue," CGTN, August 12.
  9. 2021. "How money politics runs behind U.S. think tanks' approach to Taiwan," CGTN, July 16.
  10. 2021. "Chinese academic: The US should set out to change itself, not China," Think China, January 4.
  11. 2020. "Failed 'coercive diplomacy'? Beijing might harden its stance on Taiwan after Czech delegation's visit," Think China, September 8.
  12. 2020. "后疫情时代美国台海政策可能走向" [U.S. Taiwan Policy Trend in the Post-Pandemic Era],《联合早报》[Lianhe Zaobao], August 13.
  13. 2020. "Azar’s Visit to Taiwan: A dangerous move that benefits no one," CGTN, August 9.
  14. 2020. "Will the US abandon Taiwan?" Think China, August 6.
  15. 2020. "台湾当局对美巨资游说与美台关系" [The Taiwan Authorities' Great Looby to the Unites States and U.S.-Taiwan Relations], US-China Perception Monitor, June 24.

Media Appearance

  1. 2024. "A mainland official says communications between the mainland and Taiwan must be based on the 1992 Consensus, which recognizes the one-China Principle," World Today, China Radio International, January 17.
  2. 2023. "Is Beijing making use of a 1971 UN General Assembly resolution to exclude Taipei from participating in international organizations?World Today, China Radio International, July 26.
  3. 2022. "White Paper: The Taiwan Question and Reunification of China. An Irreversible Historical Process," World Today, China Radio International, August 10.
  4. 2022. "Why is China Angry at G7-EU Joint Statement on Taiwan?World Today, China Radio International, August 04.
  5. 2022. "Is Moldova Getting Pulled into the War in Ukraine?World Today, China Radio International, April 28.
  6. 2022. "Will Ukraine-Russia Talks Defuse Tensions?World Today, China Radio International, February 28.
  7. 2021. "Biden Signs Enormous US Military Budget into Law" (with Professor Dingli Shen with Fudan University), World Today, China Radio International, December 29.
  8. 2021. "Is it appropriate for the European Parliament to send an official delegation to Taiwan?" World Today, China Radio International, November 03.
  9. 2021. Panel discussion live show on "Current Tensions across the Taiwan Straits" (with Dr. Ted Carpenter, Senior Fellow at CATO Institute), World Today, China Radio International, October 15.

Quoted in Press

  1. 2023. “In the context of the Palestainian-Israeli conflict, the US military aircraft's passage over the Taiwan Strait may be to dispel doubts about its weakening military power,” Sputnik, October 13.
  2. 2022. “The US and Taiwan authorities deliberately Hyped Up a 'War across the Taiwan Strait' as an Important Measure to Try to Pressure Beijing,” Sputnik, October 27.
  3. 2022. “US Warned over 'Illusions' about Taiwan,” China Daily (Global Edition), June 15.


* Updated March 2024.