Neogeography and volunteered geographic information: a conversation with Michael Goodchild and Andrew Turner


Wilson, Matthew W, and Mark Graham. 2013. “Neogeography and volunteered geographic information: a conversation with Michael Goodchild and Andrew Turner.” Environment & Planning A 45 (1): 10-18.
Neogeography and volunteered geographic information: a conversation with Michael Goodchild and Andrew Turner


Wilson/Graham: There are a few terms circulating describing the current proliferation of locational data and practices, including geoweb, maps 2.0, volunteered geographic information (VGI), and neogeography. How are we to understand the relationship between these terms, specifically volunteered geographic information and neogeography? Goodchild: Neogeography implies a reinventing of geography, in which the traditional roles of expert producer of geographic information and amateur user have broken down, with the amateur becoming both a producer and user—or what some have termed a prosumer. ...

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