
I am a Software Engineering Masters degree candidate at Harvard University advised by Stratos Idreos. My research focus is primarily in the field Artificial Intelligence (AI), focusing how dynamic Behavior Tree Data structures can be utilized to further enhance AI explainability. I developed a subsumption based, multi-agent simulation "Valence," extending the work into my present research, entitled "Evolving Reinforced Behavior: - A Darwinian Approach to Adaptive Behavioral Agents”

Prior to studying at Harvard, I recieved an undergraduate degree from Carleton University's Bachelor of Information Technology, specializing in interactive multimedia and design. I have previously worked as a Research Assistant within Carleton University (on the the open-source InMoov project). I also co-authored the successful development of an interactive simulation model for identifying at risk patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder for both internal and external academic use.  Finally, I have contributed to the Theoretical Health Inequality Model (THIM) project at the University of Ottawa, modeling population and demography using Statistics Canada’s Modgen microsimulation tool.

Outside of my academic career, I have spent time in the industry at Thomson Reuters and Target Corporation. In my free time I participated in the annual Global Game Jam and volunteered with Community Action Coalition for South Central Wisconsin, ensuring community members have access to warm seasonal clothing.