
Psychology of Relationships





"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."― C.G. Jung. We spend much of our lives in the company of others, yet rarely do we give a great deal of thought to the science behind our relationships. In this course, we explore the fundamental nature of our relations: how the ties we form with others come to be, continue to grow and, in some cases, dissolve. We will further investigate what effects our relationships hold on our daily lives. This course will take an academic rather than therapeutic approach...

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SOCC54H3, Special Topics in Sociology of Culture (Instructor)




What is material culture? How do objects, used in both our past and present, define our lives and the society we belong to? Why do we feel an intense desire to consume material goods, and what ramifications does that hold? This course will largely explore how things – from bedrooms to Barbies - define us. Special emphasis will be made on how our experiences, beliefs, and our very own bodies can be examined as material and the consequences that may hold on the construction of our identities, ideologies and society at large. Topics include the study of material cultures such as...
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SCS2979: Resilience: The Psychology of Surviving & Thriving (Instructor)





“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”– Plato. Although we all face adversity, why do some people fail in life's hardships, while others thrive? This course combines theory and pragmatism to reveal your potential for resilience, the ability to overcome adversity and thrive under stress. It comprises brief lectures, readings, film summaries, and experiential exercises. Join us to study the biological, social and emotional components of psychological well-being, and engage in experiential exercises to build resilience in ourselves and our loved ones.

VIC363H1 Teaching Math: The JUMP Approach [Concurrent Teacher Education Program] (TA)





All relevant course materials will be distributed and available in class and via the Blackboard system. Please contact should you have any issues accessing Blackboard.

This course will challenge the widely accepted idea that people need to be born with a special gift or natural ability to excel in mathematics. New research in education and cognitive science suggests that young learners often struggle in school because they are not taught in a way that allows their brains to work efficiently. This course...

Read more about VIC363H1 Teaching Math: The JUMP Approach [Concurrent Teacher Education Program] (TA)

SCS 2533 Brand Talk: Shaping Product Identity Through Marketing (Instructor)





Please click on the 'SCS 2533   Brand Talk: Shaping Product Identity Through Marketing' link above.

You will find all course materials under 'Related Materials,' listed by lecture.


Course Details

Why do some brand advertising techniques work and others fall flat? While the concept of branding products hasn't changed, the collective attitude of today's consumers - when responding to advertisements and marketing techniques - certainly has. The constant onslaught of new products has made it extremely difficult to introduce...

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