
Curriculum Vitae

Sophia Tingting Zhao is a Ph.D. Candidate in the East Asian Languages and Civilizations. She is currently completing her dissertation " Performative Modernity: Shanghai-style Peking opera and the Vernacular Modernism, 1872-1937"  under the direction of Professor David Der-wei Wang at Harvard University. Before her enrollment at Harvard, she was a Ph.D. Candidate at Stanford University. Her academic interests include Chinese literature, theater, and film; Chinese urban studies; Asian American studies. 

In 2014, she was awarded the Emerging Scholars Award by the Association for Asian Performance (AAP).  In 2012, based on her analytical research of Chinese Peking opera, she was awarded the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad.  

Her major publications include two co-authored books, Tale of Lychee and Mirror, and Ming Dynasty Poetry on Kun Opera: An Annotated Anthology, and numerous articles “Chinese Montage:  How Qi Rushan and Mei Lanfang’s Modernized Peking Opera through Recomposition," “A New Explanation of Body Language in Mei Lanfang’s Acting Arts,” “Author/Subaltern Border Crossing: Recuperating Subaltern Subjectivity in The Flowers of War, ” “The Potential of Using Poems as Means for Dialogue: Guo Xiangzheng’s Innovative Appropriation of Li Bai,” “Opera Critics’ Self-construction in Shenbao, ” and “Opera Critics’ Transition of Stance in Shenbao,” etc.