

My research is broadly located at the intersection of the environment, development, and changing climate. My research analyzes democratic and justice challenges in the context of state led development, environmental changes, and anthropogenic climate change. I use ethnographic and quantitative analysis of complex environmental and developmental issues. I am currently working on my first full-length book project. This manuscript looks at climate justice in South Asia considering the complex socio-ecological and climatic hierarchies in the region. It highlights the limits of the universal frameworks of climate justice in regions where unique forms of injustice, inequalities, and it's multiple intersections and their intertwined relationships determine and mediate the experience of climate change.  

Previously, I worked on India's nuclear expansion plan and protest movements at locations where nuclear power projects are being constructed and proposed, and the interfaces of environmental, energy, and social justice.This work culminated into an edited volume People Against Nuclear Energy: Anti-nuclear Movements in India (Sage 2022) which was reviewed in South Asia Research Journal  and here

My collaborative work was cited by the contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. My research has been published in the South Asia Research Journal, Economic & Political Weekly, Critical Asian Studies Journal, and International Area Studies Review among others. My research draws from and contribute to Climate Change and Climate Justice, Environmental Studies, Development Studies, Environmental History, Political Ecology, Anthropology, Political Geography and Science and Technology Studies. I also contribute to policy and practice challenges on climate change and development where I consult for the government, non-governmental and policy-making bodies, and research organizations.