
CSCI E-90: Cloud Services, Infrastructure, and Computing (AWS)


Off-premise/cloud services, infrastructure, and computing have replaced in-house data centers across businesses of every size. Businesses rely on cloud services because of their extremely high efficiency, ease of setup, and their ability to scale with demand. It is essential for today's engineers to understand how robust architectures can be implemented on a cloud platform, and to understand in depth which services and tools are available for them to use.

DGMD E-50 - Introduction to Visual Communication Design


This course introduces students to a practice-based, hands-on approach to visual communication design. Students learn about vector and raster graphics, how to design with specific audiences in mind, and how to edit their own photographs using some of the most commonly used photo editing software in the visual design industry. Topics will focus on the elements and principles of design, color theory, visual perception theories, typography, symbols, brand identity, logos, and information design. Connections to current and historical contexts of the graphic arts are woven throughout the course.... Read more about DGMD E-50 - Introduction to Visual Communication Design

DGMD E-41 - Universal Design


Inclusive design is becoming more critical as companies realize their potential markets are more diverse than ever. With 80 million Americans living with a temporary or permanent disability, technologies must be designed for users with different visual, auditory, and other requirements. In this course, we learn the foundations of universal design for digital media. We start by using persona-driven user experience questions, including who, exactly, are we serving? And how? And is design really enough, or do we need to be more inclusive in all digital media management functions, from research... Read more about DGMD E-41 - Universal Design

DGMD E-20 - Modern and Mobile Front-End Web Design


This course dives deeply into HTML5 and cascading style sheets (CSS), so students can better understand their power and flexibility in designing web pages. Students learn about advanced selectors, including general and adjacent sibling selectors, attribute selectors, pseudoselectors, pseudoelements, and CSS specificity and the cascade. Methods for layout are covered extensively, including floats, positioning, Flexbox, and CSS Grid. Students also build their own layout grids, explore media queries, and understand proper responsive image management. The course explores animation and its use in... Read more about DGMD E-20 - Modern and Mobile Front-End Web Design

CSCI E-3 - Introduction to Web Programming with JavaScript



This course provides an introduction to web development by way of the essential language and runtime environment that powers modern web interfaces. This is an entry-level programming course, and no prior programming experience is assumed. Exposure to basic HTML and CSS will be helpful, but not required.

Through a series of examples and projects, students learn basic programming concepts while building an understanding of the power and complexities of Javascript, which can perplex even experienced web developers. The course provides a solid foundation in computer programming in...

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DGMDS-71 - Character Design for Animation and Game


This course is designed to allow students to create a portfolio of drawn and painted character art in multiple styles and take their strongest designs from 2D to 3D Digital Models and Clay. Students will develop an understanding of character design through the creation of weekly exercises and a course-long 3D project. The course will be delivered in the form of studio projects, individual and class critiques, lectures, discussions, workshops and readings.

ISMT E-138 The Future of Humanity: A System Approach



It is irresistible to think that the human race will survive forever. Yet, major changes are happening every day, and some of them create new challenges. Challenges can be complex and wicked. They may be related to new technology, the decline of sustainability, and human conflicts. Life goes on and even when there are wars, hope prevails. But is humanity safe? Are there existential risks? Is growth limitless? Are human values protected? Are there tipping points when the future becomes at risk? Among so many possible perils, how do we fit in? What is our role? How do we sustain...

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DGMD E-12 - Introduction to Creative Exploration on the Web


Are you a visual thinker, an aspiring designer, digital media student, or artistic professional looking to build more immersive, interactive, and expressive content for the web? Are you completely new to programming and eager to experience a more visual approach? Perhaps you're someone who has struggled with the algorithms, data structures, and technical complexity of a more conventional computer science class, but still wants to learn to code for the web? If so, welcome to this course. It focuses on a highly interactive, audiovisual approach to programming. Using the easy to understand... Read more about DGMD E-12 - Introduction to Creative Exploration on the Web

DGMD E-53 - Designing Stories for the Web



In this team-taught course, a web designer and a journalist join forces to highlight the crucial connection between form and content. Students alternate writing assignments with designing their text on WordPress. You’ll learn to revise content so that it’s both meaningful and eye-catching, trying out listicles, slide carousels, and embedded video.

DGMD E-5 - Exploring Digital Media



This is a practical, introductory course that gives a fast-paced overview of a broad range of topics related to contemporary digital media. The course aims to equip students with an understanding of the basics of exposure and composition which are vital for the closely related fields of digital photography and digital cinematography. Topics also include fundamental lighting techniques, video technology, video production processes with practical exercises in each stage of the workflow, audio production, video compression, and distribution.

Given the power of modern personal...

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CSCI E-12 - Fundamentals of Website Development


This course provides a comprehensive overview of website development. Students explore the prevailing vocabulary, tools, and standards used in the field and learn how the various facets—including HTML5, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, multimedia, scripting languages, HTTP, clients, servers, and databases—function together in today's web environment. The course provides a solid web development foundation, focusing on content and client-side (browser) components (HTML5, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, multimedia), with an overview of the server-side technologies. In addition, software and services that... Read more about CSCI E-12 - Fundamentals of Website Development