
Simple Modifications To Expository Instruction That Promote Gender Equity in Secondary School Science And Math Classrooms
Lerner KL. Simple Modifications To Expository Instruction That Promote Gender Equity in Secondary School Science And Math Classrooms. Originally published as a component of my M.Ed thesis focusing on fostering diversity in science education and career entry. 1998.Abstract

Compared to their male counterparts, disproportionately fewer female students go on to take advanced or elective science at the secondary school level. Consequently, disproportionately fewer women pursue university degrees or careers in mathematics, science and engineering. Although more female students are taking elective secondary school math and science courses, these disproportions remain significant. Based on a comprehensive survey of research and field reports, this paper outlines and evaluates simple modifications to expository instruction-particularly those emphasizing reading and writing skills-that enable teachers to better meet the specific needs of female students. (more)

Tumult frees Russian soul from long Soviet nightmare (Editorial)
Lerner KL. Tumult frees Russian soul from long Soviet nightmare (Editorial). Taking Bearings. Harvard Blogs . 1991;(December 28). Publisher's VersionAbstract

Devoid of an industrial base, the Russian peoples labored through political purges and unworkable five-year plans in a desperate game of catch-up with the western world.

Suffering everything that befell them, the Russian devotion to their motherland remained strong.

The heroism and self-sacrifice of the Soviet peoples helped stop Hitler in his tracks. Yet for many soldiers returning from the West, reward for faithful service was a train ride to the gulag.

Twenty million people died. Stalingrad, Smolensk, Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, and a hundred other cities lay pummeled. Galleries, libraries, and cathedrals were plundered or destroyed 

The Russian soul endured. (download to read more)
