COVID-19 y personas mayores en Chile: lecciones de dos años de pandemia [The impact of COVID-19 on the health status of older people in Chile]


Guzmán, René, Luis Sarmiento, Carla Bonatti, Alejandro Gallegos, and Pablo Villalobos Dintrans. “COVID-19 y personas mayores en Chile: lecciones de dos años de pandemia [The impact of COVID-19 on the health status of older people in Chile].” Revista Médica de Chile 150 (2022): 1664-1673.


The article presents the main impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the health status of older people, systematizing the information about the direct impact of the pandemic in terms of number of cases, hospitalizations, deaths, the policies implemented for the prevention and management of COVID-19 in older people and the indirect impact of the two years of

pandemic. Adopting a broad definition of health, the need to monitor and recover health care of older people is highlighted. The recovery of their functionality and mental health must be emphasized. The policies towards institutionalized older people must be revised. These areas should be the focus of health care policies for older people in Chile.

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