November 2019

Week 11 Media

What is media? I think anything that carries information is media. Book, video, audio, website, etc. What struck me most in this week's class is the e-lecture. It shows a new way of thinking about how to use media. Media does not have to be a single formed approach to convey information. In learning design, we can be creative to combine mutilple media formats into one. 

I have heard of multi-media in the past. Most of the examples are to group different media together in one learning experience. For example, using videos and interactive website in the same class but...

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Wk9 Credentials and Disruption

I was struck by the badge system. Though it sounds very new, it reminds me of how credential worked thousands years ago in China.

Let's take Three Kindoms era (220-280) as an example. There was no colleges back then, not even centralized formal learning venues. There were two major learning tracks- apprenticeship and scholarship. For apprentice, it is important to find a good Shifu. Shifu only allows you to graduate if you meet their standard. How people learn about what skills you have and how good you are is based on which Shifu you had. This graduation certificate from...

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Wk9 Credentials and Disruption

I was struck by the badge system. Though it sounds very new, it reminds me of how credential worked thousands years ago in China.

Let's take Three Kindoms era (220-280) as an example. There was no colleges back then, not even centralized formal learning venues. There were two major learning tracks- apprenticeship and scholarship. For apprentice, it is important to find a good Shifu. Shifu only allows you to graduate if you meet their standard. How people learn about what skills you have and how good you are is based on which Shifu you had. This graduation certificate from...

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