
glue, Orion, and you, at CARMA-NRO Orion team meeting in CU Boulder, Colorado (remote), Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Title slide: glue, Orion, and you

Files: (key, 5.3 GB), (pdf, 10 MB), (Video, Zoom)

The Dark Web of Star Formation, at Ithaca, NY, Monday, October 2, 2017

The Dark Web of Star Formation Title SlideCornell University, Department of Physics Colloquium - Salpeter Lecture

Abstract:  Stars form in the darkest regions of our Galaxy. Barnard’s deep, wide-field, photographs revealed web-like structures within these regions 100 years ago. But, somehow, it took a century--until roughly now-- for us to realize that the detailed structure of Barnard’s “dark webs” might hold astrophysical secrets.... Read more about The Dark Web of Star Formation

Tools and Techniques Telling a Twisted Tale of Star Formation , at Los Angeles, CA, Wednesday, January 20, 2016

UCLA Title SlideUCLA Astrophysics Colloquium

Dataverse link to all materials, including Keynote slides


Reference with doi for this work: Goodman, Alyssa, 2020, "Tools and Techniques Telling a Twisted Tale of Star Formation",, Harvard Dataverse, V1

Reference with doi for this work:  Goodman, Alyssa, 2020, "Knitting Together an Amazing new Multi-Color View of the Milky Way, in 3D",, Harvard Dataverse, V1
