Selected Publications

Ryan, Judith. “ "Rilke's Duino Elegies and Sonnets to Orpheus"”. 1922: Literature, Culture, Politics. Ed. Jean-Michel Rabaté. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. Print.
von and Wolf, Ulrich Bülow Sabine, ed.Grünbeins "antike Dispositionen"”. DDR-Literatur. Eine Archivexpedition. Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag, 2014. 293-309 . Print.Abstract

The essay explores Durs Grünbein's critique of imperialism, with special focus on his translation of Catullus Carmen 4 and the title poem of his volume Koloss im Nebel. Using materials from the German Literary Archive in Marbach (two manuscript pages from the Grünbein deposits there are reproduced), the essay shows how the poet's recent work engages with this theme in classical antiquity. Expanding the range more broadly, the essay also considers Grünbein's writings oin and translations of Seneca, as well as his essay on Hermann Broch's Der Tod des Vergil. By pulling together history, geography, and Grünbein's personal experience in the German Democratic Republic, the essay aims to create a more nuanced picture of Grünbein's engagement with imperialism.

The Cambridge Introduction to German Poetry
Ryan, Judith. The Cambridge Introduction to German Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Print.
Ryan, Judith. “"Mallarmé und die Mardistes: Meister und Schüler in einer säkularen Zeit"”. Meister und Schüler in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Von Religionen der Antike bis zur modernen Esoterik", ed. Almut-Barbara Renger. V&R unipress, 2012. 319-335. Print. meister-schuler_beitrag.pdf
Ryan, Judith. “"'Du, der ichs nicht sage..': Lyrisches und sachliches Sagen in Rilkes Gedichten 1906-1911"”. Blätter der Rilke-Gesellschaft 31 (2012): , 31, 189-200. Print. du_der_ichs_nicht_sage.pdf
Ryan, Judith. “"Sebald's Encounters with French Narrative"”. From Kafka to Sebald: Modernism and Narrative Form, ed. Sabine Wilke. New York: Continuum, 2012. 123-142. Print. sebald_and_french_narrative.pdf
The Novel After Theory
Ryan, Judith. The Novel After Theory. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. Print.
Ryan, Judith. ““‘Ägyptische Erinnerungen’ : Zur Frage des Fragmentarischen in Rilkes später Lyrik"”. Nach Duino: Studien zu Rainer Maria Rilkes späten Gedichten. Ed. Karen Leeder & Robert Vilain. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2010. 179-193. Print. j_ryan_agyptische_erinnerungen.pdf
Ryan, Judith. ““ ‘Pfeile mit Widerhaken’: On the Aphorisms in Goethe's Wahlverwandtschaften and Wanderjahre””. Goethe Yearbook: Publications of the Goethe Society of North America 16 (2009): , 16, 1-10. Print. judith_ryan_pfeile_mit_widerhaken.pdf
Ryan, Judith. “"Lines of Flight: History and Territory in The Rings of Saturn””. W.G. Sebald: Schreiben ex patria/Expatriate Writing. Ed. Gerhard Fischer. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2009. 45-60. Print. jr_lines_of_flight_rodopi.pdf
Ryan, Judith. ““The Long German Poem in the Long Twentieth Century””. German Life and Letters 60.3 (2007): , 60, 3, 348-364. Print.
Ryan, Judith. ““Fulgurations: Sebald and Surrealism””. The Germanic Review 82.3 (2007): , 82, 3, 227-249. Print.
Ryan, Judith. ““‘Spurlose Frühe’: Durs Grünbeins Vom Schnee und das Problem der Wende””. Weiterschreiben: Zur DDR-Literatur nach dem Ende der DDR. Ed. Holger Helbig. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 2007. 163-181. Print.
Karol Berger and Anthony Newcomb,, ed."Schoenberg's Byron: The "Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte," the Antonomies of Modernism, and the Problem of German Imperialism" 2005, ”. Music and the Aesthetics of Modernity: Essays. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Papers in Music, 2005. 201-216. Print. schoenbergs_byron_the_ode_to_napoleon_b.pdf
Ryan, Judith. ““Kolonialismus in W.G. Sebalds Roman Austerlitz””. (Post-)Kolonialismus und Deutsche Literatur: Impulse der angloamerikanischen Literatur- und Kulturtheorie. Ed. Axel Dunker. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2005. 267-282. Print. sebald_kolonialismus.pdf
A New History of German Literature
Wellbery, David, and Judith Ryan. A New History of German Literature. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2004, 2004. Print.
Ryan, Judith. ““Broch’s Esch: Theory of Colonialism and the German Colonial Aftermath””. Hermann Broch: Visionary in Exile . Ed. Paul Michael Lützeler. South Carolina: Camden House, 2002. 125-132. Print.
Ryan, Judith. ““Das Motiv der Schädelnähte bei Durs Grünbein” ”. Schreiben nach der Wende: Ein Jahrzehnt deutscher Literatur 1989-1999. Ed. Gerhard Fischer & David Roberts. Tübingen: Stauffenberg Verlag, 2001. 301-315. Print.
Ryan, Judith. ““ ‘Ich fühle luft von anderem planeten’: Schoenberg reads George””. Music of My Future: The Schoenberg Quartets and Trio. Ed. Reinhold Brinkmann & Christoph Wolff. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Music Department, 2000. 81-93. Print. jr_schoenberg_und_george.pdf
Rilke, Modernism and Poetic Tradition
Ryan, Judith. Rilke, Modernism and Poetic Tradition. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Print.
